Charitable Donations

In lieu of corporate gifts this year, Technopath Distribution has made charitable donations to the following organisations.

We have chosen these organisations as they are closely linked to the sectors that we, our customers and our partners, operate in.  Many of the charities have been chosen because our team members at Technopath work closely with these charities throughout the year.    We have also paid particular focus on mental health charities this year.  People from all over Ireland and the UK have been hit hard by the pandemic, especially in the healthcare sector.  Charities like Mind in the UK and Pieta House in Ireland provide valuable support to those suffering with mental health issues.

The Alzheimer Society of Ireland – Learn more

The Jack & Jill Foundation – Learn more

PBC Foundation – Learn more

Mind – Learn more

Focus 4 Hope – Learn more

Pieta House – Learn more

Christmas Betterment Fund Ballina – Learn more